Constant beep, PC doesn't recognize NAZA USB

Sep 6, 2014
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I had a flyoff with my FC40, traveled several miles away, got rained on and was returned the next day, I quickly disassembled the Phantom and made sure all componets were dry. After assembling the craft back together it just beeped real loud at me like it was pretty upset at me. I have unattached the ESCs from the main board and removed the NAZA as well. Any suggestions, should I check all the ESCs, GPS, and LED contacts with OHM reader before blaming my NAZA, cause I'm not dropping $250 on a new one. :eek: :evil:
I would recommend to just remove the battery and let it sit for a week and fully dry out.
To dive right in and start removing things is not a good idea.
The chances of your Naza going bad are slim. Was it submerged in water or just got wet?
Salt or fresh ? If it's salt it's game over.
Just a little rain water, I'll keep you guys posted I haven't investigated all connections with a meter to rule out any burnt out areas on the ESCs or LED. To be honest I've beat the hell outta this thing and have had 3 flyoffs right now, so its crashed hard a few times and I've also gone through 8 carbon fiber blades :-/ lol. With that said I prefer the plastic ones, it's been good to me 2nd time its got wet, so I'm not gonna give up on 'er now ;-) Thanks for the input.
Hey, I unhooked the ESCs from the main board, by un soldering the connections, I proceeded to hook up all connections to the NAZA except the motor connections and it connected to my PC thru the NAZA assistant instead of not reading it like last time. Which means I need to narrow down which ESC has gone bad.
Divide and Conquer!!!
Ok here's the deal, I've taken the whole thing apart, put it back together and I've checked connectivity throughout the whole system, which has undoubtedly given me a green light for all contacts. Yet once I plug in the battery the leds flash twice and then it continues to give 2 loud consecutive beeps over and over with no lights flashing. I'm sure it's telling me it's a little F'd up. Are there contacts in general I should focus on, like make sure a soldering points are clean and nothing is touching. I tell ya one thing, once I get this baby up and running I'll be the expert of the FC40 ;-). Any feedback is appreciated, even some cheerleading lol

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